Monday, January 7, 2013

Third Sight, Sixth Sib - Rebroadcast of my work!

My collaboration with Myroslaw Bytz, Third Sight: Gowanus, will be transmitted as part of a Sib Radio Gowanus rebroadcast. Sib Radio Gowanus is a 4 part narrowcast audio exhibit that ran in conjunction with the exhibition "Postcards from Gowanus" which was on display at Cabinet Magazine's gallery in Gowanus between 17th-19th of March 2010. The program hosted a series of sonic artworks ranging from field recordings, drones, micro-sound to ambient and electro-acoustic compositions by US and International artists. Sib Radio Gowanus was curated by Maria Papadomanolaki and was sponsored by free103point9. The entire narrowcast recording will be rebroadcast on Resonance FM in London every Tuesday, 21:30 – 22:30 pm (London Time), starting tomorrow Tuesday the 8th of January. Third Sight: Gowanus is a phonographic document of the areas surrounding the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. Video was gathered and sonified using sensory substitution technology developed for the visually impaired. The resulting sequences of tones were manipulated to create soundscapes. These ambient drones represent, sonically, the environmental state of the canal whose oxygenation levels are a disturbingly low 1.5 parts per million, far lower than the 4 parts per million necessary to sustain life.

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